Sunday, January 13, 2008

What is Planning?

From the book Automated Planning by Ghallab et al:
Planning is the reasoning side of acting. It is a deliberation process that chooses and organizes actions by anticipating their expected outcomes. This deliberation aims at achieving as best as possible some prestated objectives. Automated Planning is an area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that studies this deliberation process computationally.
As opposed to an ordinary control program, a Planning System or Planner would be more flexible and able to take advantage of opportunities in a dynamic environment. Usage of a Planner may also decrease cost in some situations due to lesser involvement of humans.

Here is an example scenario of planning:

When a robot Wall-e is asked to fetch a drink from the local store, it must internally generate a plan to reach the store, buy the drink and then return back home. While going out, when Wall-e identifies that the door of the room is closed, it must update the plan to include an action to open the door and close it on the way out.

Some real life applications of planning:
  • NASA used Autonomous Remote Agent system based on planning and scheduling techniques on board Deep Space mission. The Remote Agent was able to generate plans and execute high-level commands like “during the next period, take pictures of the following asteroids”.
  • Robot motion planning, and goal-directed planning
  • Process planning is the task of preparing detailed operating instructions for transforming an engineering design into a final product.
  • Autominder is a Planning, Monitoring and Reminding Assistive Agent for the Elderly.
  • Emergency evacuation planning
  • Simulated environments like training and games use goal directed planners.

Our Work

At Interactive Intelligence Lab we are building a widely applicable real time, dynamic and efficient planning system. The planning system will be first applied to Automated Story Generation in Computer Gaming.

See Also: AAAI Page on Planning and Scheduling

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