Sunday, October 19, 2008

Talk Review: Internet Pioneer Vinton Cerf

Vincent Cerf talks about the future of internet and the world.

1. India and China will have very large internet population and economies by 2035. Fresh water and energy would be more precious than today.

2. Collaboration on the internet creates many new opportunities - like early discovery of epidemics using medical queries made by people on the internet. Real time data will be much more useful and available.

3. People will travel a lot less for office and virtual interactions will be much more real.

4. Much more kinds of devices and individual contributions are enabled by the internet. Devices will be more intelligent.

5. Much more efficient and managable computers will be used in cloud computing. Processes can have unique identifiers which enables them to transfer from one computer to another.

6. Work on interplanetary internet using new protocols is in its initial phase.

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