Real Time Systems (RTS) are the systems that must respond to changes in environment within a specific interval of time. The course on RTS was an interesting but rather heavy, with a relatively large project, covering several topics and reading research papers. Some concepts I find one of most difficult in computer science like synchronization and mutual exclusion were a part of it.
The following major
topics were covered:
- Process Management, Synchronization, Concurrency (handout from Operating System Principles by Bic and Shaw)
- Distributed RTS, Deadlock Management, Distributed Deadlocks (papers on HARTS, Token Passing for mutual exclusion)
- RTS scheduling (paper on Rate Monotonic Scheduling by Lui and Layland), RT Operating System Kernel (paper on Spring Architecture)
- RTS system development diagramming - DARTS, UML statechart (paper on Software Design by Gomaa)
We did a distributed game design and development
project. In design phase, we reviewed several architectures for LAN based game development (see the report
here). We then designed a flexible client-server load architecture. We implemented a prototype for this architecture in the second part of the project (see the report
ideas for future work:
- Development of a flexible-load distributed game by continuing the work done in project.
- Multithreading the Box2D library - this is an open source physics library we used in our project.
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